Blog page 61

REBLOG: Dear Architect, Your Website Sucks

One of our clients who is an architect pointed us to this post by Enoch. Enoch blogs on marketing for architects at We agreed so much with Enoch’s posting that we decided to reblog it on our own blog. Dear architect, would you like more of the ‘right’ kind of clients? Well, if you are hoping the web will help you with this goal, let me give you a tip: your website sucks. I know, it isn’t a very polite thing to say. But I’m helping architects here, not trying to be the best-liked blogger on the Internet. The Mistake 0n 99% of Architect’s Websites Many architects affirm that websites do not produce leads. And the leads that do come through don’t turn into paying clients. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. By nature architects are visually inclined; we like images. We assume our prospects are similar […]

How to Pick and Develop Key Terms for Your Website

Almost daily from staff and customers alike, this question comes across my desk more times than I can count. Picking keywords, like most aspects of Search Engine Optimization boils down to basic common sense. To get started, you need to ask yourself: “If I am Joe Public searching for these products or services – what key words would I use to search for them?”. The more specific you can be, the better. You can start out by creating a broad based list of key terms and then narrowing them down. Try to stick to keywords that accurately describe your business without being too broad. Today, we had an architect that wanted to use “contemporary design” as a keyword. This is an example of being too broad. While I am sure that “contemporary” could be used to describe his work, this could also refer to any type of contemporary design, from […]

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

1. Your Business is Open to the World 24/7, 365 Days a Year Unlike your company’s office that may be open from 8-5, Monday thru Friday, your company ‘s website is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There are many different time zones that may affect your business, which is why being on the web makes it time convenient for everyone. 2. It’s Your Online Brochure / Catalog That Can Be Changed at Anytime A website is easier, cheaper and quicker to update than print material. Its’ capacities are almost limitless which allow you to provide users with more comprehensive information. This will save you money on printing and distribution costs as well. 3. Reach New Markets with a Global Audience On the Internet, you aren’t that local little business anymore. You have the potential to be seen by millions across the globe. Did you ever think […]

Why is Text Content So Important to Help Market a Website

Once upon a time in a land not so far away if you wanted to SEO your website and increase its rank, you could simply cram your website as full of whatever keywords you wanted. Some less scrupulous site owners would even go so far as to populate their site with popular, but non-relevant keywords. This technique was effective for driving traffic to site who wanted to display ads and didn’t care about recurring traffic. SEO is no longer for con men. We do business every day with respectable, hard working business owners looking to market their products and services to people in their communities. This means a couple of things: first, they want their visitors to keep coming back and second they are going to need compelling content to do it! “Content is King” is a saying I have heard for a long time in the business. While it […]