10 Questions to Ask an Agency Before Buying SEO

10 Questions to Ask an Agency Before Buying SEO

  As the world continues to evolve into a global digital enterprise, businesses need to adapt to the changes to maintain a strong online presence, which is crucial for their growth and success. How does a business get ahead of the online competition? Through a robust, intentionally designed SEO plan. Search engine optimization (SEO) has become an indispensable tool for improving website visibility, driving organic traffic, and ultimately boosting revenue. However, with countless SEO agencies competing for your attention, it can be challenging to separate the good from the bad. Before handing over your digital marketing efforts to an agency, you want to ask the right questions to ensure you’re making an informed decision. If you’re a small business, here are ten critical questions that will help you evaluate an SEO agency’s expertise, transparency, and ability to deliver tangible results. What Is SEO? SEO is akin to strategically positioning your […]

Maria Kalomiris

Author: Maria Kalomiris

About Maria Kalomiris

Maria is a professional copywriter specializing in SEO, with a diverse portfolio spanning multiple industries. Holding a diploma in Public Relations with a specialized focus on Crisis Management Writing, she brings a unique and valuable skillset to her craft. Particularly passionate about writing updated and informative content in the health and fitness niche, Maria is also a dedicated freelancer who continuously invests in her professional development through ongoing education. When she's not crafting compelling content, you'll find her working out in her home gym, exploring horse-themed social media pages, or exploring the backroads looking for hidden gems.

The Power of Citations

  Let’s face it: you can’t just put your business website online and expect people to find it—let alone instill confidence in your products or services. With so many websites on the internet (and new ones being created every day) search engines need to know that your website is worth showing to their users. This is where the power of citations (also called business directories) really shines. What Are Citations? You may have already heard of citations and their importance, but here’s a quick rundown: citations are entries in online databases that include details such as your company name, address, phone number, website URL, and other relevant details. Citation databases come in a variety of types and sizes, such as local, industry-specific, and general business directories. Having your business listed on a citation database adds credibility and legitimacy to your digital footprint, building trust with both your potential customers and […]

Tyson Breen

Author: Tyson Breen

About Tyson Breen

Tyson is a content writer and SEO specialist with over half a decade of industry experience. He is an expert on digital marketing and is passionate about providing his clients with powerful content that boosts traffic and engagement. When away from his desk, Tyson enjoys home cooking, comic books, and live music.

The Mobile-First Future: How LinkNow’s Designs Are Leading the SEO Charge

  Google has made it very clear that mobile browsing is the future of its search platform. Recently, the search giant completed its years-long effort to migrate to mobile-first indexing for all websites, which means having an adaptable, responsive design is more important than ever. Here at LinkNow, we’ve seen this writing on the wall for quite some time now, which is why we have long since transitioned our websites to reflect the market trends and larger industry focus on mobile browsing. In this blog post, we will be examining why all our websites are adapted for mobile phones, as well as the reasoning behind our constant adjustment in the SEO industry. The Rising Need for Mobile-Friendly Search Before we can look at LinkNow’s solution to mobile SEO, we first need to understand the problem that our company—and all other website developers—was facing. All the way back in 2016, Google […]

Tyson Breen

Author: Tyson Breen

About Tyson Breen

Tyson is a content writer and SEO specialist with over half a decade of industry experience. He is an expert on digital marketing and is passionate about providing his clients with powerful content that boosts traffic and engagement. When away from his desk, Tyson enjoys home cooking, comic books, and live music.

Core Web Vitals: What Are They and Why Are They So Important?

Back in 2020, Google unveiled its new Core Web Vitals, a set of specific factors designed to measure the user experience on a web page. As of August 2021, these metrics have become an official Google ranking factor as part of the “page experience” update. Over a year later, Core Web Vitals continue to be an important factor for search engine optimization and must be considered by anyone hoping to rank highly. It is clear that Google plans to continue emphasizing user experience and may even evolve its Core Web Vitals over time, so it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with these metrics. This blog post will help you understand all three Core Web Vitals and why you should be paying attention to them.   The Core Web Vitals Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) This is essentially the average loading time for the main content on a web page. […]

Tyson Breen

Author: Tyson Breen

About Tyson Breen

Tyson is a content writer and SEO specialist with over half a decade of industry experience. He is an expert on digital marketing and is passionate about providing his clients with powerful content that boosts traffic and engagement. When away from his desk, Tyson enjoys home cooking, comic books, and live music.

Climb to the Top of Google with These 5 Risk-Free Backlink Strategies [2022]

  Do you have a blog or website struggling to gain organic traffic despite following all the SEO best practices and don’t know why? You could be failing to get backlinks from authoritative websites. As you may or may not know, backlinks are links on other websites that take a reader back to one of your web pages. The more external links your website has, the greater the chance it will climb to the top of Google and your organic traffic will pick up. That said, backlinks are not created equal. So, while we recommend getting as many as possible, we also recommend paying attention to the quality of links. For the best results, you want them to come from high-ranking, authoritative websites.   If you’re unsure how to do this, allow us to dispense 5 of our proven-to-work tips and tricks to help you climb to the top of […]

Tyson Breen

Author: Tyson Breen

About Tyson Breen

Tyson is a content writer and SEO specialist with over half a decade of industry experience. He is an expert on digital marketing and is passionate about providing his clients with powerful content that boosts traffic and engagement. When away from his desk, Tyson enjoys home cooking, comic books, and live music.

How to Dominate Google in 2022

A grey skyscraper rises in the background. In the foreground, caption says: Digital marketing made easy.

If you’ve been looking to do more than merely show up in Google’s search results, then you need to read this article. In this blog post, we’re going to show you how to dominate Google. We’ll start from the ground-up so you understand Google’s front-page results, how they work, and how you can appear at the top. Ready to make Google work for you? Let’s get started. Google’s Front-Page Results: A Breakdown The first thing you need to understand is how the search results appear on the page. In general, they are broken down into three different sections:  The local search pack  The organic search results  Google Ads (aka, pay-per-click ads, and formerly known as AdWords) Here, a visual reference might prove useful so that you have an idea of what these categories look like. Let’s try typing general contractor boston into Google to see how the search results are […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.

10 Ways to Promote Your Blog on Google

A woman, smiling, holds a megaphone to her mouth. Caption says: 10 tips to grow your blog.

If you want people to read your blog, you need to promote your blog. How do you go about doing that? You’re in luck, because we’ve assembled a list of 7 ways you can promote your blog quickly and efficiently. These are tried-and-true techniques we use every day to promote our content. These are simple, effective strategies that will help you grow your audience, improve search rankings, and drive traffic to your site. And they don’t take much effort, either. Let’s get started. 1. Harness Social Media This is the easiest way to attract viewers to your blog. You can share individual blog posts on every platform you sign up with, be it Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Subreddits, or Twitter. It’s an organic method of growing your readership without spending much time or money. When sharing content on social media, give your readers a reason to click on your blog. Don’t […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.

4 Big Benefits of Blogging (and Why Even Contractors Should Do It)

Background shows a workspace with a laptop, notebook, and teapot. Caption says: 4 reasons every business needs a blog.

teIf you’re not blogging in 2022, you’re leaving a lot on the table. Blogging helps put eyes on your business. It helps build trust with your audience—and with Google. Even contractors like roofers, plumbers, and general contractors are reaping the rewards, using it to scale up and build their brands simultaneously. If you’re not, you’re losing out. With that in mind, let’s look at 4 concrete reasons every business—including contractors—needs a blog. 1. The Cheapest Way to Increase Traffic Content is king when it comes to search engine optimization, and keeping a blog means that your website will be updated regularly with indexable pages. Try focussing your blog posts around topics that are related to your industry and include keywords and terms that promote your overall SEO strategy. Without a blog, a good chunk of the clicks on your website will likely come from people already familiar with your business […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.

Google Passage Ranking: What It Is and What It Means for SEO in 2022

Background shows Google homepage. In foreground, caption says: What is passage ranking?

Publishing long-form content has never been more important to ranking well on Google. And the reason? Google passage ranking: a relatively new (since 2021) feature affecting how Google ranks and indexes web pages. Today, let’s look at what Google passage ranking is, how it works, how you can harness it to improve your content’s online rankings. Let’s dive in. What is Passage Ranking? Passage ranking (also called passage indexing) is new feature that helps Google understand and contextualize the content of a webpage. It also helps generate better search results for users. Instead of ranking a whole webpage for a particular keyword, Google now ranks passages from that page according to how relevant they are to said keyword. Passage ranking evaluates certain sections to provide more specific, higher-quality search results for users. Consider this example. Let’s say there’s a 5000-word-long page about search engine optimization (SEO). Of the 5000 words, […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.

Use Google’s EAT Principle to Crush the Competition

A woman eats a salad with a face of contentment. Text says: EAT your way to the top.

Looking to get more leads from Google? Then first and foremost, you need to know about the Google EAT principle. By mastering EAT, you’ll be able to grow your web presence into a juggernaut, driving traffic from Google to your site. Let’s get started. What Is EAT? EAT stands for: Expertise Authority Trust Pretty simple so far. Let’s break down each of those terms and explain how they’re relevant to the way you create content going forward. Expertise Google wants to know how much you (the content creator) know about your industry and specific topics that surround what you do. Authority Google takes a step back to examine the larger picture, reviewing the credibility and good reputation of the creator of each piece of content, the brand, and the website in its entirety. Trust It’s true what they say about trust. It takes a while to build it and only […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.