Last year, we wrote a post on how important it is to have your website HTTPS-protected. Well, we’re back to tell you that it’s more important now than ever before. HTTPS is a vital component of the Internet’s security framework. It protects users, clients, and business owners from fraudsters and scam artists. Ultimately, it’s the foundation for a safe digital space. Want to learn about HTTPS and whether your site has it? Want to know how to enable HTTPS? Then this post is for you. What Is HTTPS? HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is a security protocol designed to protect users navigating the Internet. That’s all you really need to know: It provides additional security measures to a website’s existing structure. But if you want a bit more detail, let’s start with some background info. HTTPS is based on an earlier protocol called HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). You’ve probably […]