The Power of Personalization: Ryan Macdonald, Elite Account Executive

The Power of Personalization

  Digital marketing is a complex landscape, with many factors influencing success and many fields of technical expertise. The role of an Account Executive (AE) is to be your guide, walking you through all the terrain, explaining what you’re seeing, and ultimately getting you where you want to be. Ryan MacDonald has been at LinkNow for seven years. Having started in the Marketing Department, he has spent the last couple of years as the AE for Elite clients, those clients who have reached a certain monthly investment threshold. He acts as their primary point of contact, listening to their concerns, explaining their results, and working on strategies to improve. The idea behind the AE role, Ryan explains, is to provide a solution for clients to “the challenge of speaking to three different people.” You’ve likely had the experience before of being transferred between different departments, trying to get an answer […]

Noah Stevens

Author: Noah Stevens

About Noah Stevens

Noah is a content editor who began writing website content in 2015 and has since written and edited content for a wide variety of platforms and purposes. With a Master’s in English Literature, he relies on his academic training and love of language to create natural yet strategic SEO-driven content. Noah’s spare time is mostly consumed by all things books and soccer—he’s a passionate Arsenal fan who frequently walks around the house dribbling a small ball as he thinks.

10 Questions to Ask an Agency Before Buying SEO

10 Questions to Ask an Agency Before Buying SEO

  As the world continues to evolve into a global digital enterprise, businesses need to adapt to the changes to maintain a strong online presence, which is crucial for their growth and success. How does a business get ahead of the online competition? Through a robust, intentionally designed SEO plan. Search engine optimization (SEO) has become an indispensable tool for improving website visibility, driving organic traffic, and ultimately boosting revenue. However, with countless SEO agencies competing for your attention, it can be challenging to separate the good from the bad. Before handing over your digital marketing efforts to an agency, you want to ask the right questions to ensure you’re making an informed decision. If you’re a small business, here are ten critical questions that will help you evaluate an SEO agency’s expertise, transparency, and ability to deliver tangible results. What Is SEO? SEO is akin to strategically positioning your […]

Maria Kalomiris

Author: Maria Kalomiris

About Maria Kalomiris

Maria is a professional copywriter specializing in SEO, with a diverse portfolio spanning multiple industries. Holding a diploma in Public Relations with a specialized focus on Crisis Management Writing, she brings a unique and valuable skillset to her craft. Particularly passionate about writing updated and informative content in the health and fitness niche, Maria is also a dedicated freelancer who continuously invests in her professional development through ongoing education. When she's not crafting compelling content, you'll find her working out in her home gym, exploring horse-themed social media pages, or exploring the backroads looking for hidden gems.

SEO for Handyman Companies

Get the leads you need to succeed. LinkNow Media is proud to specialize in search engine optimization (SEO) for handyman companies. We provide comprehensive marketing solutions that let you grow your web presence and expand your customer base. With the most cost-effective marketing services in North America, we give you more bang for your buck, driving traffic to your site while staying well within your budget. Save time, save money, and choose LinkNow Media for all your digital marketing needs. Join over 10,000 business owners who’ve chosen to maximize profits with our services. To schedule a free phone consultation, give us a call at 888-992-1190 today. FREE QUOTE Small-Business Marketing. Revolutionized. Everyone has a website now, including most handyman companies. But few have a website that powers their marketing success. At LinkNow Media, we develop tailored solutions to grow your website into a powerhouse of performance. Through our streamlined optimization […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.

SEO for Home Builders

  Home builders need a strong Web presence to attract new clients. With LinkNow Media, you have it. We are North America’s leading low-cost digital marketing firm, and we’re proud to specialize in online marketing for home builders, architects, and design-build contractors. We offer no-contract SEO services to help you get the leads you need to succeed. Through smart, strategic service options, we help you grow your digital footprint and raise your online visibility—all while staying well within your budget. Join over 10,000 business owners who’ve chosen to save time and money with our services. To schedule a free phone consultation, give us a call today. FREE QUOTE North America’s Most Cost-Effective Digital Marketing Get more for your money. LinkNow is proud to offer the most cost-effective digital marketing solutions available in North America. We help you maximize results while driving down costs, growing your business while saving you money. […]

Amanda Piccioni

Author: Amanda Piccioni

About Amanda Piccioni

Prudent in her work as Editor-in-Chief. A perfect balance of austerity and affinity in her role as Head of Content. Prodigious prowess in her abilities as a writer. She's the Swiss Army knife of the content department.

SEO for Locksmiths

  If you’re a locksmith looking to drum up business, turn to LinkNow Media. Our search engine optimization (SEO) services help you rank well online so that you can get seen and found in your local area. Build your brand, grow your Web presence, and build trust with clients: With our services, you can do all three. Read on to discover what our SEO services can do for you. To schedule a free phone consultation, give us a call today. FREE QUOTE The Most Cost-Effective Marketing Solutions Available Save Money and Grow Your Business We offer the most affordable SEO services available in North America, helping you drive down costs while maximizing profits. Our services are a stellar investment at just a fraction of the cost of most online marketing plans. They offer complete digital solutions for all your Web-related needs. From on-page optimization to quality backlink building, we have […]

Amanda Piccioni

Author: Amanda Piccioni

About Amanda Piccioni

Prudent in her work as Editor-in-Chief. A perfect balance of austerity and affinity in her role as Head of Content. Prodigious prowess in her abilities as a writer. She's the Swiss Army knife of the content department.

SEO for Cleaning Companies

  Grow your business with LinkNow Media’s SEO services. With over 10,000 clients, we are North America’s premier digital marketing firm for cleaning companies. We provide personalized marketing solutions that help you expand your digital footprint, reach new customers, and find fresh leads, all while saving you time and money. To discover what we can do for you, call us at 1-888-667-7186 for a free phone consultation. FREE QUOTE Say HELLO to SEO Search Engine Optimization (or SEO, for short) is what gets businesses seen and found online. By leveraging the latest digital strategies, we’re able to raise your online visibility to connect you with the clients who need your services. With our SEO services, you will: • Grow your web presence • Build trust with clients • Improve search results on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing • Expand your customer base • Save time and money The Most Cost-Effective Marketing […]

Amanda Piccioni

Author: Amanda Piccioni

About Amanda Piccioni

Prudent in her work as Editor-in-Chief. A perfect balance of austerity and affinity in her role as Head of Content. Prodigious prowess in her abilities as a writer. She's the Swiss Army knife of the content department.

9 SEO Tricks for Insurance Companies

  If you’re not already taking advantage of digital marketing to generate leads for your insurance agency, it’s not too late to get started. SEO should be a key component of every insurance company’s marketing strategy. At LinkNow, we have put together a list of 9 SEO strategies to help insurance companies across North America. Follow these tricks and turn your online presence into a lead generating machine—fast! 1. Get a Professionally Designed Insurance Website Gone are the days when your website was nothing more than a glorified business card. Websites nowadays need to be built to generate leads. They have to work for you. You need a website that quickly converts clients by communicating to readers who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. It will need to have an impactful and attractive design while also being SEO optimized to rank well in Google searches. To […]

Amanda Piccioni

Author: Amanda Piccioni

About Amanda Piccioni

Prudent in her work as Editor-in-Chief. A perfect balance of austerity and affinity in her role as Head of Content. Prodigious prowess in her abilities as a writer. She's the Swiss Army knife of the content department.

Find the Right Company for Website Design Services

  For businesses looking to get a website for the first time or who are unsatisfied with their current website, choosing the right website design company can feel a bit overwhelming. Not only are there a ton of companies and freelancers out there, but there are also plenty of platforms where you can design your own website. In this post, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know to find the perfect web design company for your business. By the end, you’ll know: ⇢ Why your site needs to be mobile-friendly ⇢ Why speed counts ⇢ Why SEO is a crucial part of web design ⇢ Why you need a sitemap Should I Design My Own Website? This is the first question everyone asks themselves when they decide it’s time to get a website. Nowadays, there are plenty of online platforms that will give you a template to […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.

The Truth About SEO Law Firm Marketing

  If you want to get new clients for your law firm, you need a strong digital marketing strategy. But if you’re like most of our clients, you went to law school to learn how to be a lawyer, not to be an SEO specialist. That’s why we’ve decided to put together a complete guide to SEO for law firms. This guide will give you everything you need to know—and everything that SEO companies don’t want to tell you! In this article, you’ll learn: ⇢ Key features of an SEO optimized website ⇢ How to build a keyword strategy ⇢ How content will help improve your rank on Google ⇢ Tricks for finding local leads ⇢ Why social media is so important for law firms SEO Optimized Websites for Law Firms Let’s start with the basics: SEO, or search engine optimization, is a combination of strategies designed to bring in […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.