10 Questions to Ask an Agency Before Buying SEO

10 Questions to Ask an Agency Before Buying SEO

  As the world continues to evolve into a global digital enterprise, businesses need to adapt to the changes to maintain a strong online presence, which is crucial for their growth and success. How does a business get ahead of the online competition? Through a robust, intentionally designed SEO plan. Search engine optimization (SEO) has become an indispensable tool for improving website visibility, driving organic traffic, and ultimately boosting revenue. However, with countless SEO agencies competing for your attention, it can be challenging to separate the good from the bad. Before handing over your digital marketing efforts to an agency, you want to ask the right questions to ensure you’re making an informed decision. If you’re a small business, here are ten critical questions that will help you evaluate an SEO agency’s expertise, transparency, and ability to deliver tangible results. What Is SEO? SEO is akin to strategically positioning your […]

Maria Kalomiris

Author: Maria Kalomiris

About Maria Kalomiris

Maria is a professional copywriter specializing in SEO, with a diverse portfolio spanning multiple industries. Holding a diploma in Public Relations with a specialized focus on Crisis Management Writing, she brings a unique and valuable skillset to her craft. Particularly passionate about writing updated and informative content in the health and fitness niche, Maria is also a dedicated freelancer who continuously invests in her professional development through ongoing education. When she's not crafting compelling content, you'll find her working out in her home gym, exploring horse-themed social media pages, or exploring the backroads looking for hidden gems.

From CTAs to Photo Galleries: Everything You Need on Your Small Business Website

  It’s nearly impossible for a small business to thrive without a website or online presence these days. However, the prospect of creating a website can feel overwhelming for many business owners. Here at LinkNow, we specialize in helping small business owners establish an online presence quickly and affordably. Today, we want to share some valuable insights on building a successful website for a small business. If you’re a small business owner or operator seeking to establish an online presence and gain traction, consider incorporating the following key features into your website. At Least 10 Service and Landing Pages for a Multi-Channel Presence Picture your website like a large building, akin to a stadium or a bustling train station frequented by numerous visitors. Think about how many entrances such buildings typically boast, often situated on different sides of the building and leading out to various intersections or roads. Now, extend […]

Jane Willsie

Author: Jane Willsie

About Jane Willsie

Since 2014, when she landed her first editorial role at her undergraduate student newspaper, Jane has continually grown into the passionate, meticulous writer and editor she is today. Entering the marketing field almost a decade ago as an entry-level social media consultant and content writer, Jane has become a strategic data-driven SEO and content marketing specialist able to turn her hand to everything from the perfectly crafted landing page to attention-grabbing email copy. She completed her Master’s degree in English at UBC in 2017—receiving a prestigious SSHRC grant to research feminist South Korean literature’s reception in the English-speaking literary world—and continues to grow her knowledge base every day, consuming research on SEO, content management, social media strategy, and more. Beyond her work, Jane is an avid reader, amateur sewer, and adventurous traveler.

Revolutionizing the World of Web Design

A painter smiling with text overlaid: "Making the small-business life easier."

There was a time when websites cost a fortune, or took an eternity to set up. But LinkNow’s put a stop to that. Since 2009, LinkNow’s been changing the name of the web-design game. Our cost-effective marketing solutions have helped businesses across North America get seen, boost profits, and maximize growth. With over 10,000 active clients, LinkNow is leading the way in affordable, value-driven web design. Join us as we look at LinkNow’s journey and how we continue to make waves across the industry. Making the Small-Business Life Easier—One Website at a Time LinkNow began not with a service but with a mission: To make the small-business life easier. Co-founders Wesley Mendelovitch and Sonny Bettan realized that one of the biggest hurdles for small business owners was getting a website. Back in 2009, hiring a web design and digital marketing company was a massive investment. It cost a small fortune […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.

Find the Right Company for Website Design Services

  For businesses looking to get a website for the first time or who are unsatisfied with their current website, choosing the right website design company can feel a bit overwhelming. Not only are there a ton of companies and freelancers out there, but there are also plenty of platforms where you can design your own website. In this post, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know to find the perfect web design company for your business. By the end, you’ll know: ⇢ Why your site needs to be mobile-friendly ⇢ Why speed counts ⇢ Why SEO is a crucial part of web design ⇢ Why you need a sitemap Should I Design My Own Website? This is the first question everyone asks themselves when they decide it’s time to get a website. Nowadays, there are plenty of online platforms that will give you a template to […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.

The Truth About SEO Law Firm Marketing

  If you want to get new clients for your law firm, you need a strong digital marketing strategy. But if you’re like most of our clients, you went to law school to learn how to be a lawyer, not to be an SEO specialist. That’s why we’ve decided to put together a complete guide to SEO for law firms. This guide will give you everything you need to know—and everything that SEO companies don’t want to tell you! In this article, you’ll learn: ⇢ Key features of an SEO optimized website ⇢ How to build a keyword strategy ⇢ How content will help improve your rank on Google ⇢ Tricks for finding local leads ⇢ Why social media is so important for law firms SEO Optimized Websites for Law Firms Let’s start with the basics: SEO, or search engine optimization, is a combination of strategies designed to bring in […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.

How to Master SEO for Roofers in 2020

  There’s never been a better time to get your roofing company online. But having a website is not enough. You need an effective digital marketing and SEO strategy to boost your online presence and produce leads. It’s like building a machine. And the marketing machines we build at LinkNow Media will help you grow your business and take it to the next level! In this post, we’re going to explain the best way to get roofing leads in 2020. We’ll cover five key areas of SEO strategy for roofers: ⇢ Web design ⇢ Written content ⇢ Organic SEO ⇢ Local SEO ⇢ Social Media Web Design for Roofers Pro Tip #1: SEO is all about instant communication. Your website must be designed to communicate 3 things to visitors in under 5 seconds: ⇢ Who you are ⇢ What you do ⇢ How to contact you If it takes more […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.

Everything You Need to Know about Marketing for B2B

  As a business owner yourself, you know that business owners have different expectations, objectives, and concerns than regular consumers. They are attracted to marketing strategies that speak to their need for good ROIs, financial incentives, solutions to problems, and expertise. By understanding your audience—and their expectations— you will create a marketing strategy that converts because it convinces. In this blog, we’re going to outline everything you need to know about business-to-business (B2B) marketing so that you can create a strategy that will generate leads from your target audience. What Is B2B Marketing and How Does It Differ from B2C Marketing? B2C, or, business-to-consumer marketing is a marketing strategy that’s targeted toward consumers rather than representatives of other businesses. Consumers purchase products and services for themselves as individuals, often for emotional reasons. Businesses and their representatives purchase products on behalf of the goals and objectives of the organization. B2B, or […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.

The Definitive Beginner’s Guide to Plumber’s SEO

  Have you tried to do SEO yourself?  Are you wasting hours upon hours and getting nowhere?  Are you paying a company to market you online with no return? Are you about to give up? We have hundreds of plumbers as clients and know what works, what doesn’t, and how to do it right the first time.  Having said that, we’ve decided to put together a blog post that explains the basics of SEO for plumbers in terms that anyone can understand with no experience necessary! In this post, we’re going to break down the basics of SEO for plumbers. During this quick read, you’ll learn: • What makes a killer plumbing website • How a mobile-friendly website will push you to the top of Google • What keywords you should use to make your website rank in Google searches • How to set up a Google My Business for […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.

6 Air Conditioning Marketing Strategies You Need to Know

  Remember back in the day when you could depend on flyers, word-of-mouth, and the Yellow Pages to market your business and generate leads? Unfortunately, those days are long gone. And while every HVAC contractor knows that in 2020 you need a website, many still don’t realize that a website is not enough. What you need is a website that’s supported by field-tested marketing strategies and strong Search Engine Optimization (SEO). But what does that mean? SEO and digital marketing can feel overwhelming for many HVAC contractors. So, we decided to break down our in-house marketing strategy into 6 easy principles that every air conditioning contractor needs to know. Follow these simple rules, and you’ll be bringing in more (and better) leads than you can handle! 1. Make Sure You Have a Killer Website Okay, I know. I just finished saying that having a website isn’t enough. But having an […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.

Why Every Small Business Needs Great Photos for Their Website

  In a time when everyone’s glued to their devices, your business’s visual identity will help you stand out from the crowd. The best way to do that? Include some amazing pictures of your work on your website! Pictures allow your potential clients to put a face to the name, making you more personable and trustworthy. They also play a major role in your branding by showing off the great work you do. Just like reviews, pictures serve as proof that you deserve your great reputation. In today’s blog, we’re going to tell you everything you know about taking amazing pictures for your small business! Use Original Photo Content for Your Business Make sure you’re posting and updating your customers on your business from time to time—don’t just use stock photos. Stock photos are the easy options, but they can be perceived as impersonal and don’t really showcase everything you […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.