Why is Text Content So Important to Help Market a Website

Once upon a time in a land not so far away if you wanted to SEO your website and increase its rank, you could simply cram your website as full of whatever keywords you wanted. Some less scrupulous site owners would even go so far as to populate their site with popular, but non-relevant keywords. This technique was effective for driving traffic to site who wanted to display ads and didn’t care about recurring traffic. SEO is no longer for con men. We do business every day with respectable, hard working business owners looking to market their products and services to people in their communities. This means a couple of things: first, they want their visitors to keep coming back and second they are going to need compelling content to do it! “Content is King” is a saying I have heard for a long time in the business. While it […]

Ken Hyler

Author: Ken Hyler

About Ken Hyler

Ken is a programmer and web developer at LinkNow. Working with the Design department he takes great care in ensuring each website is delivered on time and working as intended.