The Power of Personalization: Ryan Macdonald, Elite Account Executive

The Power of Personalization

  Digital marketing is a complex landscape, with many factors influencing success and many fields of technical expertise. The role of an Account Executive (AE) is to be your guide, walking you through all the terrain, explaining what you’re seeing, and ultimately getting you where you want to be. Ryan MacDonald has been at LinkNow for seven years. Having started in the Marketing Department, he has spent the last couple of years as the AE for Elite clients, those clients who have reached a certain monthly investment threshold. He acts as their primary point of contact, listening to their concerns, explaining their results, and working on strategies to improve. The idea behind the AE role, Ryan explains, is to provide a solution for clients to “the challenge of speaking to three different people.” You’ve likely had the experience before of being transferred between different departments, trying to get an answer […]

Noah Stevens

Author: Noah Stevens

About Noah Stevens

Noah is a content editor who began writing website content in 2015 and has since written and edited content for a wide variety of platforms and purposes. With a Master’s in English Literature, he relies on his academic training and love of language to create natural yet strategic SEO-driven content. Noah’s spare time is mostly consumed by all things books and soccer—he’s a passionate Arsenal fan who frequently walks around the house dribbling a small ball as he thinks.

From CTAs to Photo Galleries: Everything You Need on Your Small Business Website

  It’s nearly impossible for a small business to thrive without a website or online presence these days. However, the prospect of creating a website can feel overwhelming for many business owners. Here at LinkNow, we specialize in helping small business owners establish an online presence quickly and affordably. Today, we want to share some valuable insights on building a successful website for a small business. If you’re a small business owner or operator seeking to establish an online presence and gain traction, consider incorporating the following key features into your website. At Least 10 Service and Landing Pages for a Multi-Channel Presence Picture your website like a large building, akin to a stadium or a bustling train station frequented by numerous visitors. Think about how many entrances such buildings typically boast, often situated on different sides of the building and leading out to various intersections or roads. Now, extend […]

Jane Willsie

Author: Jane Willsie

About Jane Willsie

Since 2014, when she landed her first editorial role at her undergraduate student newspaper, Jane has continually grown into the passionate, meticulous writer and editor she is today. Entering the marketing field almost a decade ago as an entry-level social media consultant and content writer, Jane has become a strategic data-driven SEO and content marketing specialist able to turn her hand to everything from the perfectly crafted landing page to attention-grabbing email copy. She completed her Master’s degree in English at UBC in 2017—receiving a prestigious SSHRC grant to research feminist South Korean literature’s reception in the English-speaking literary world—and continues to grow her knowledge base every day, consuming research on SEO, content management, social media strategy, and more. Beyond her work, Jane is an avid reader, amateur sewer, and adventurous traveler.

Revolutionizing the World of Web Design

A painter smiling with text overlaid: "Making the small-business life easier."

There was a time when websites cost a fortune, or took an eternity to set up. But LinkNow’s put a stop to that. Since 2009, LinkNow’s been changing the name of the web-design game. Our cost-effective marketing solutions have helped businesses across North America get seen, boost profits, and maximize growth. With over 10,000 active clients, LinkNow is leading the way in affordable, value-driven web design. Join us as we look at LinkNow’s journey and how we continue to make waves across the industry. Making the Small-Business Life Easier—One Website at a Time LinkNow began not with a service but with a mission: To make the small-business life easier. Co-founders Wesley Mendelovitch and Sonny Bettan realized that one of the biggest hurdles for small business owners was getting a website. Back in 2009, hiring a web design and digital marketing company was a massive investment. It cost a small fortune […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.

LinkNow Media Awarded a Place on the Globe and Mail’s List of Canada’s Top Growing Companies for 2019

  It’s been a busy year here at LinkNow Media. With growth as our top priority, we managed to surpass our 10 000-client milestone and expand our offices to accommodate our ever-growing staff of nearly 200! And on top of all that, we are proud to announce that LinkNow Media has placed No. 338 on The Globe and Mail’s brand-new ranking of Canada’s Top Growing Companies. It goes without saying that our hard work has paid off—resulting in a three-year revenue growth of 69%. We couldn’t be happier about being recognized for our achievements! Strong Values Are the Key to Success From the very beginning, LinkNow Media was all about helping out the little guy. The family-owned and operated. The independent contractor. The small business owner trying to gain a competitive edge in a market increasingly dominated by big business. Co-founders Wesley Mendelovitch and Sonny Bettan realized that one of […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.