The Power of Personalization: Ryan Macdonald, Elite Account Executive

The Power of Personalization

  Digital marketing is a complex landscape, with many factors influencing success and many fields of technical expertise. The role of an Account Executive (AE) is to be your guide, walking you through all the terrain, explaining what you’re seeing, and ultimately getting you where you want to be. Ryan MacDonald has been at LinkNow for seven years. Having started in the Marketing Department, he has spent the last couple of years as the AE for Elite clients, those clients who have reached a certain monthly investment threshold. He acts as their primary point of contact, listening to their concerns, explaining their results, and working on strategies to improve. The idea behind the AE role, Ryan explains, is to provide a solution for clients to “the challenge of speaking to three different people.” You’ve likely had the experience before of being transferred between different departments, trying to get an answer […]

Noah Stevens

Author: Noah Stevens

About Noah Stevens

Noah is a content editor who began writing website content in 2015 and has since written and edited content for a wide variety of platforms and purposes. With a Master’s in English Literature, he relies on his academic training and love of language to create natural yet strategic SEO-driven content. Noah’s spare time is mostly consumed by all things books and soccer—he’s a passionate Arsenal fan who frequently walks around the house dribbling a small ball as he thinks.

Is Your Website Secure?

  When you run a business, your website is an extension of your identity. Maintaining a strong digital presence is crucial for commercial operations looking to get ahead in today’s competitive marketplace. However, just as your brick-and-mortar location needs to be secured against potential threats, so does your website. Cyber crimes are an unfortunate reality of digital spaces, and when your website is compromised, it can jeopardize your and your clients’ data. Asking the question, “Is your website secure?” is a complicated query. Knowing the answer can make the difference between thriving, impressive commercial growth and a potentially harmful breach. In this blog, we’ll discuss the complex terrain of cybersecurity and explore some tips for bolstering your own website’s security. What Is Website Security? Before exploring some tips for improving your website’s security, it’s important to clarify what it is and why it matters. As a concept, website security refers […]

Josh Wilson

Author: Josh Wilson

About Josh Wilson

About Josh Wilson: Josh is a content writer who strives to create SEO-optimized copy that excites readers. With experience as a freelancer and editor and a background in creative writing, he specializes in long-form and custom content. Josh is always looking to push the limits of language and provide clients with personalized content that helps drive traffic and customers to their business. With a Master’s in Information Studies, Josh is also an archivist and research specialist passionate about satisfying diverse information-seeking needs. As part of LinkNow’s Content team, he leverages his academic background and research expertise to support clients and write powerful copy. In his spare time, Josh is an avid reader, home cook, and Leeds United supporter.

The Mobile-First Future: How LinkNow’s Designs Are Leading the SEO Charge

  Google has made it very clear that mobile browsing is the future of its search platform. Recently, the search giant completed its years-long effort to migrate to mobile-first indexing for all websites, which means having an adaptable, responsive design is more important than ever. Here at LinkNow, we’ve seen this writing on the wall for quite some time now, which is why we have long since transitioned our websites to reflect the market trends and larger industry focus on mobile browsing. In this blog post, we will be examining why all our websites are adapted for mobile phones, as well as the reasoning behind our constant adjustment in the SEO industry. The Rising Need for Mobile-Friendly Search Before we can look at LinkNow’s solution to mobile SEO, we first need to understand the problem that our company—and all other website developers—was facing. All the way back in 2016, Google […]

Tyson Breen

Author: Tyson Breen

About Tyson Breen

Tyson is a content writer and SEO specialist with over half a decade of industry experience. He is an expert on digital marketing and is passionate about providing his clients with powerful content that boosts traffic and engagement. When away from his desk, Tyson enjoys home cooking, comic books, and live music.

5 Tips For Creating Google Business Posts

Man jumping in the air while smiling. Text says: Drive sales with these 5 tips to Google Business Posts.

Your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business, GMB) is one of the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal. And Google Business Posts are one of the best ways to leverage it. If you already have a Google Business Profile but aren’t sure how to make the most of it, this post is for you. Here are 5 tips to create Google Posts that not only generate clicks but also turn visitors into customers. These are quick, measurable, and easy-to-use tips to power your web presence and grow your ranking on Google. Best of all, they’re completely free. Let’s dive in. 1. Professional Images The first thing anyone will notice about your Google Posts is your chosen image. This can be in the form of a photo or video, and for both, make sure you’re using high-quality, eye-catching visuals that send a message about your business. Original images are […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.

Revolutionizing the World of Web Design

A painter smiling with text overlaid: "Making the small-business life easier."

There was a time when websites cost a fortune, or took an eternity to set up. But LinkNow’s put a stop to that. Since 2009, LinkNow’s been changing the name of the web-design game. Our cost-effective marketing solutions have helped businesses across North America get seen, boost profits, and maximize growth. With over 10,000 active clients, LinkNow is leading the way in affordable, value-driven web design. Join us as we look at LinkNow’s journey and how we continue to make waves across the industry. Making the Small-Business Life Easier—One Website at a Time LinkNow began not with a service but with a mission: To make the small-business life easier. Co-founders Wesley Mendelovitch and Sonny Bettan realized that one of the biggest hurdles for small business owners was getting a website. Back in 2009, hiring a web design and digital marketing company was a massive investment. It cost a small fortune […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.

Google Core Update July 2021: What You Need to Know

Google Core Update Alert July 2021

Google Core Update July 2021: What You Need to Know July is over—and with it, so is Google’s July 2021 Core Update. From July 1 to July 12, Google rolled out the second part of its summer 2021 core update. The first came in June. And while the July core update was noticeably smaller, it still had some big shake-ups. Let’s dive into what this core update means, who’s affected, and what you can do if it hit you. July 2021 Core Update: The Details Here’s what we know about the July 2021 Google Core Update: •  The rollout occurred from July 1 to July 12. On July 12, Google SearchLiaison announced that the core update was “effectively complete”: The July 2021 core update rollout is now effectively complete. — Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) July 12, 2021 •  The biggest changes occurred July 2 and July 9. Data from Semrush shows […]

John Wickham

Author: John Wickham

About John Wickham

John Wickham is Senior Content Writer and Strategist at LinkNow Media. An SEO expert, he writes to empower small-business owners by giving them the information they need to market themselves. His love of the written word is matched only by his love of ancient history, as well as the semi-colon.

SEO for Cleaning Companies

  Grow your business with LinkNow Media’s SEO services. With over 10,000 clients, we are North America’s premier digital marketing firm for cleaning companies. We provide personalized marketing solutions that help you expand your digital footprint, reach new customers, and find fresh leads, all while saving you time and money. To discover what we can do for you, call us at 1-888-667-7186 for a free phone consultation. FREE QUOTE Say HELLO to SEO Search Engine Optimization (or SEO, for short) is what gets businesses seen and found online. By leveraging the latest digital strategies, we’re able to raise your online visibility to connect you with the clients who need your services. With our SEO services, you will: • Grow your web presence • Build trust with clients • Improve search results on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing • Expand your customer base • Save time and money The Most Cost-Effective Marketing […]

Amanda Piccioni

Author: Amanda Piccioni

About Amanda Piccioni

Prudent in her work as Editor-in-Chief. A perfect balance of austerity and affinity in her role as Head of Content. Prodigious prowess in her abilities as a writer. She's the Swiss Army knife of the content department.

9 SEO Tricks for Insurance Companies

  If you’re not already taking advantage of digital marketing to generate leads for your insurance agency, it’s not too late to get started. SEO should be a key component of every insurance company’s marketing strategy. At LinkNow, we have put together a list of 9 SEO strategies to help insurance companies across North America. Follow these tricks and turn your online presence into a lead generating machine—fast! 1. Get a Professionally Designed Insurance Website Gone are the days when your website was nothing more than a glorified business card. Websites nowadays need to be built to generate leads. They have to work for you. You need a website that quickly converts clients by communicating to readers who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. It will need to have an impactful and attractive design while also being SEO optimized to rank well in Google searches. To […]

Amanda Piccioni

Author: Amanda Piccioni

About Amanda Piccioni

Prudent in her work as Editor-in-Chief. A perfect balance of austerity and affinity in her role as Head of Content. Prodigious prowess in her abilities as a writer. She's the Swiss Army knife of the content department.

Find the Right Company for Website Design Services

  For businesses looking to get a website for the first time or who are unsatisfied with their current website, choosing the right website design company can feel a bit overwhelming. Not only are there a ton of companies and freelancers out there, but there are also plenty of platforms where you can design your own website. In this post, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know to find the perfect web design company for your business. By the end, you’ll know: ⇢ Why your site needs to be mobile-friendly ⇢ Why speed counts ⇢ Why SEO is a crucial part of web design ⇢ Why you need a sitemap Should I Design My Own Website? This is the first question everyone asks themselves when they decide it’s time to get a website. Nowadays, there are plenty of online platforms that will give you a template to […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.

The Truth About SEO Law Firm Marketing

  If you want to get new clients for your law firm, you need a strong digital marketing strategy. But if you’re like most of our clients, you went to law school to learn how to be a lawyer, not to be an SEO specialist. That’s why we’ve decided to put together a complete guide to SEO for law firms. This guide will give you everything you need to know—and everything that SEO companies don’t want to tell you! In this article, you’ll learn: ⇢ Key features of an SEO optimized website ⇢ How to build a keyword strategy ⇢ How content will help improve your rank on Google ⇢ Tricks for finding local leads ⇢ Why social media is so important for law firms SEO Optimized Websites for Law Firms Let’s start with the basics: SEO, or search engine optimization, is a combination of strategies designed to bring in […]

Aubrey Grant

Author: Aubrey Grant

About Aubrey Grant

Aubrey is a copy writer and Head of Content at LinkNow Media. An expert content marketer, he is obsessed with developing strategic solutions that emphasize elegance and simplicity. Although generally mild mannered, he has been known to fly into rages at the sight of a semicolon.