A while back, we published a post explaining the scammy nature of robocalls that appeared to be from Google. Many of our clients were receiving calls from an automated system that claimed to be Google. They’d often start by claiming that their listing is suspended. And they’d end by asking for payment information to put it live again. Because it’s necessary to verify (and sometimes re-verify) Google listings, these robocalls appeared to be real. But the fact is, Google will never call to sell you anything. And they will never ask you for payment information. So, in 2019, has anything changed? Short answer: No. If you’re getting calls from someone saying they’re Google, it’s a scam. Full stop. Tell-Tale Signs the Call Is a Scam • The caller asks for your GMB password • The caller says they work “with Google” or “for Google” • The call is an unsolicited […]
How Small Business Owners Can Create A Work-Life Balance
When you own a business, it can be hard to stop it from taking over your whole life. Of course, it’ll always be a big part of it, but there should be room left over for relaxation, hobbies and time spent with loved ones. Creating a work-life balance that works for you is necessary for both you and your business flourish. Take control of your life and achieve your business goals by following these four easy steps! 1. Have A Routine and Stick to It As a self-starter, you make your own work hours, but it’s important not to let your work become a 24/7 thing. Remember, a proper balance between work and play make for a happy, healthy entrepreneur. If you find this balance hard to achieve, setting a routine can be extremely beneficial. Know when you’re supposed to be working and when you’re not. After a while, a […]