The Power of Personalization: Ryan Macdonald, Elite Account Executive

The Power of Personalization

  Digital marketing is a complex landscape, with many factors influencing success and many fields of technical expertise. The role of an Account Executive (AE) is to be your guide, walking you through all the terrain, explaining what you’re seeing, and ultimately getting you where you want to be. Ryan MacDonald has been at LinkNow for seven years. Having started in the Marketing Department, he has spent the last couple of years as the AE for Elite clients, those clients who have reached a certain monthly investment threshold. He acts as their primary point of contact, listening to their concerns, explaining their results, and working on strategies to improve. The idea behind the AE role, Ryan explains, is to provide a solution for clients to “the challenge of speaking to three different people.” You’ve likely had the experience before of being transferred between different departments, trying to get an answer […]

Noah Stevens

Author: Noah Stevens

About Noah Stevens

Noah is a content editor who began writing website content in 2015 and has since written and edited content for a wide variety of platforms and purposes. With a Master’s in English Literature, he relies on his academic training and love of language to create natural yet strategic SEO-driven content. Noah’s spare time is mostly consumed by all things books and soccer—he’s a passionate Arsenal fan who frequently walks around the house dribbling a small ball as he thinks.

Is Your Website Secure?

  When you run a business, your website is an extension of your identity. Maintaining a strong digital presence is crucial for commercial operations looking to get ahead in today’s competitive marketplace. However, just as your brick-and-mortar location needs to be secured against potential threats, so does your website. Cyber crimes are an unfortunate reality of digital spaces, and when your website is compromised, it can jeopardize your and your clients’ data. Asking the question, “Is your website secure?” is a complicated query. Knowing the answer can make the difference between thriving, impressive commercial growth and a potentially harmful breach. In this blog, we’ll discuss the complex terrain of cybersecurity and explore some tips for bolstering your own website’s security. What Is Website Security? Before exploring some tips for improving your website’s security, it’s important to clarify what it is and why it matters. As a concept, website security refers […]

Josh Wilson

Author: Josh Wilson

About Josh Wilson

About Josh Wilson: Josh is a content writer who strives to create SEO-optimized copy that excites readers. With experience as a freelancer and editor and a background in creative writing, he specializes in long-form and custom content. Josh is always looking to push the limits of language and provide clients with personalized content that helps drive traffic and customers to their business. With a Master’s in Information Studies, Josh is also an archivist and research specialist passionate about satisfying diverse information-seeking needs. As part of LinkNow’s Content team, he leverages his academic background and research expertise to support clients and write powerful copy. In his spare time, Josh is an avid reader, home cook, and Leeds United supporter.

5 Ways for Your Website to Build Trust With Customers and Search Engines

  Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, and that holds true to the one between your website and its visitors. Think back to the last time you made an online purchase or visited a website. What made you trust that particular website? Was it the design, the content, or something else? In this blog post, we’ll share five effective ways for your website to build trust with both your customers and search engines. 1.      Ensure High-Quality Content High-quality content is the bedrock of trust. When visitors find your content valuable, accurate, and engaging, they’re more likely to trust your site and return for more. Tips for Creating Valuable Content There are a few key elements to keep in mind when creating high-quality content for your website: •Research thoroughly: Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date. This involves checking facts and citing credible sources. •Write clearly: Use simple language […]

Dillon Yang

Author: Dillon Yang

About Dillon Yang

About Dillon Yang: Dillon is a content writer with a deep passion for all things related to SEO and digital marketing. He is dedicated to creating engaging and informative content that not only captures his clients' unique brand voice but also helps them to improve their online presence. In his free time, Dillon enjoys staying active in the gym, gaming, and visiting coffee shops.

LinkNow Tech Support Frequently Asked Questions

LinkNow Tech Support Frequently Asked Questions

We get it—the fast-paced life of running a small business doesn’t always leave time for staying up-to-date on the technical side of web design, domain hosting, and email servers. That said, many business owners still strive to stay informed about all aspects of their business. Here at LinkNow, we’ve worked with thousands of small business owners over the years, helping them build solid online footprints while also offering professional education, insight, and advice along the way. In this blog post, we’ll be examining some of our most commonly received tech support questions and breaking things down in easily digestible language, so keep reading if this sounds valuable to you! What Is a Domain? A website’s domain is the unique address users type in to find it on the internet. Domains consist of two main parts: the name and the extension. Domain names are the personalized web addresses users type into […]

Tyson Breen

Author: Tyson Breen

About Tyson Breen

Tyson is a content writer and SEO specialist with over half a decade of industry experience. He is an expert on digital marketing and is passionate about providing his clients with powerful content that boosts traffic and engagement. When away from his desk, Tyson enjoys home cooking, comic books, and live music.

How to Set Up the Top 5 Citations

How to Set Up the Top 5 Citations

  Many of us have been preached about the importance of having an “online presence” or building a “digital footprint,” but what does this really mean? It’s certainly not throwing a website together and bombarding it with irrelevant content. What’s the secret? Citations—online mentions of your business’s key information (address, phone, website)—are like digital business cards strewn across the internet. There are plenty of citation sources, but some carry more weight than others. In this blog post, we help you set up the top five (structured) citations to help search engines understand your business’s legitimacy, location, and relevance to local searches—helping customers find you faster. Why Citations Matter for SEO Citations are like playing a raffle in which the likelihood of drawing your (business’s) name is increased manifold. While they aren’t directly used in marketing content itself, they play a role in supporting your overall business marketing strategy through SEO. […]

Ryan Borsellino

Author: Ryan Borsellino

About Ryan Borsellino

Leveraging his background in screenwriting and creative writing, Ryan is a content writer who weaves narratives into his work, making it not only informative but also compelling and memorable for readers. When he’s not writing, Ryan enjoys exploring other pursuits such as reading fiction, hitting the golf course, and going for runs with his dog.

How to Create Content That Converts

How to Create Content That Converts

  If you’re a business owner, creating content that resonates with your target audience isn’t just an option—it’s the foundation of success. Compelling content will capture your dream clients’ attention, guide them through their buyer’s journey, and ultimately drive conversions. But it’s not as simple as stringing together words and sentences—it takes planning and strategizing. With the abundance of information available online, it’s essential to craft content that stands out, informs, engages, and compels your audience to take action. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore proven strategies and methods to help you create content that converts, ensuring your efforts yield tangible results. Know Your Target Customer Avatar Before creating content, you need to know your audience, aka your target customer avatar. With a customer avatar, you can generate a buyer persona that explores the mindset, priorities, decision-making factors, and path that influence prospective customers’ choices. Having insight into this data […]

Maria Kalomiris

Author: Maria Kalomiris

About Maria Kalomiris

Maria is a professional copywriter specializing in SEO, with a diverse portfolio spanning multiple industries. Holding a diploma in Public Relations with a specialized focus on Crisis Management Writing, she brings a unique and valuable skillset to her craft. Particularly passionate about writing updated and informative content in the health and fitness niche, Maria is also a dedicated freelancer who continuously invests in her professional development through ongoing education. When she's not crafting compelling content, you'll find her working out in her home gym, exploring horse-themed social media pages, or exploring the backroads looking for hidden gems.

10 Questions to Ask an Agency Before Buying SEO

10 Questions to Ask an Agency Before Buying SEO

  As the world continues to evolve into a global digital enterprise, businesses need to adapt to the changes to maintain a strong online presence, which is crucial for their growth and success. How does a business get ahead of the online competition? Through a robust, intentionally designed SEO plan. Search engine optimization (SEO) has become an indispensable tool for improving website visibility, driving organic traffic, and ultimately boosting revenue. However, with countless SEO agencies competing for your attention, it can be challenging to separate the good from the bad. Before handing over your digital marketing efforts to an agency, you want to ask the right questions to ensure you’re making an informed decision. If you’re a small business, here are ten critical questions that will help you evaluate an SEO agency’s expertise, transparency, and ability to deliver tangible results. What Is SEO? SEO is akin to strategically positioning your […]

Maria Kalomiris

Author: Maria Kalomiris

About Maria Kalomiris

Maria is a professional copywriter specializing in SEO, with a diverse portfolio spanning multiple industries. Holding a diploma in Public Relations with a specialized focus on Crisis Management Writing, she brings a unique and valuable skillset to her craft. Particularly passionate about writing updated and informative content in the health and fitness niche, Maria is also a dedicated freelancer who continuously invests in her professional development through ongoing education. When she's not crafting compelling content, you'll find her working out in her home gym, exploring horse-themed social media pages, or exploring the backroads looking for hidden gems.

Why You Need Review Software Immediately

Why Your Business Needs Review Software

  Online reviews are the bread and butter of any local business looking to thrive on search engines—but getting even the most satisfied customers to leave a review is often easier said than done. Minimizing the steps required and keeping things as straightforward as possible is one of the best ways to help encourage reviews for your business, and this can be achieved with review software. In this blog post, we’ll be examining the benefits of investing in review software and why you could be leaving money on the table without it. If that sounds applicable to your business, you’ll want to keep reading. Online Reviews: As Good As Gold There’s a good chance you’re already aware of the pivotal role that reviews can play when it comes to finding success online, but just in case, let us really emphasize their importance. According to a 2023 study by BrightLocal, a […]

Tyson Breen

Author: Tyson Breen

About Tyson Breen

Tyson is a content writer and SEO specialist with over half a decade of industry experience. He is an expert on digital marketing and is passionate about providing his clients with powerful content that boosts traffic and engagement. When away from his desk, Tyson enjoys home cooking, comic books, and live music.

Google SERP Features for Local Businesses in 2024

Modern Google Features for Local Businesses

  If you’re a longtime Google user, you’ve probably noticed that the search engine results page (SERP) has changed quite a bit over the years. Google is constantly adding, tweaking, and expanding a set of features designed to provide a better user experience. What does this mean for local businesses on Google? Well, there are many ways to capitalize on these modern Google features and gain increased visibility, better keyword targeting, and an educated audience ready to engage with your business. So, without further ado, let’s break down some of the best Google SERP features for your business in 2024! Local Pack Google’s Local Pack is the bread and butter of local businesses. The Local Pack appears when a user does a search with local intent, containing phrases like “near me” or “in my area.” In response, Google will display a map of the surrounding area with listings for three […]

Tyson Breen

Author: Tyson Breen

About Tyson Breen

Tyson is a content writer and SEO specialist with over half a decade of industry experience. He is an expert on digital marketing and is passionate about providing his clients with powerful content that boosts traffic and engagement. When away from his desk, Tyson enjoys home cooking, comic books, and live music.