LinkNow Media Wants You

LinkNow Media Guest Posters Wanted

Share your knowledge!

Are you an SEO or online marketing professional who has been looking for a place to publish your writing? Here at LinkNow Media, we're looking for guest posters to contribute to our blog. Our audience is mainly small business owners and entrepreneurs who are managing their own online marketing efforts. If you have knowledge you think would be valuable for our audience, we want to give you a place to share it.

If we publish your post, we'll be happy to link to your website and social media accounts, and we will promote your post on our social media and in our newsletter that goes out to our nearly 9,000 active customers.

LinkNow Media is the fastest growing marketing company in Canada. We'd like you to be a part of it. Send pitches to

Lauchlin MacDonald

Author: Lauchlin MacDonald

About Lauchlin MacDonald

Lauchlin is part of the content and marketing team at LinkNow Media. He has nearly a decade of experience in copywriting and editing, and spends way too much time on the Internet. He can be reached at and @Lauchlin on Twitter.