How to Generate Online Reviews

How to generate online reviews


If you’re a business owner, you're likely looking to boost and strengthen your online presence and connect with your target customers. One highly effective way to do this is by generating online reviews—a proven strategy that consistently drives results.

In digital marketing, where your brand exists predominantly online, reviews serve as modern-day word-of-mouth recommendations, playing a crucial role in influencing purchasing decisions, brand trust, and customer loyalty.

Whether you're just starting out or your business has been around for years but is struggling to stand out, mastering the art of generating reviews can be the key to unlocking growth.

Here's a complete guide on how businesses like yours can successfully gather online reviews.

Why You Need to Care About Online Reviews

Online reviews, both positive and negative, are a powerful tool in digital marketing. They help businesses stand out, increase sales, improve search engine rankings, and educate potential customers.

According to a BrightLocal survey, a significant percentage of consumers scan online reviews and ratings before making a purchase, signifying their importance in the customer journey. Reviews provide social proof and create micro-moments that can potentially convert potential customers into loyal patrons.

In fact, a potential customer is more likely to believe the word of a past customer—a stranger—than they are to believe you, the business owner. That’s how powerful reviews are; they can make or break your business.

So, without further delay, let’s get into it.

Strategies to Generate Online Reviews

Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

The truth is that, in today’s competitive market, customers look for great customer service. They want to know that their business is appreciated and that they’re valued as customers. It’s not just about ticking boxes and selling a product or service; it’s about crafting an experience that sticks with your customers long after they’ve left.

So, how can you amplify your customer service game and inspire those glowing reviews?

Here are a couple of key strategies to get you started!

  • Exceed expectations: Go above and beyond to ensure your customers have a memorable experience. Happy customers are more likely to leave honest, positive reviews. They’re also more likely to tell others to shop at your business, helping you generate a bigger customer base.
  • Personalize interactions: Personal touches, such as using customers’ names and remembering their preferences, can create a more engaging experience.

Ask for Reviews

When it comes to generating online reviews, one of the simplest yet most effective strategies is to simply ask for them! The age-old adage, “You get what you ask for,” holds particularly true for business owners. Many customers are happy and willing to share their experiences, especially if you ask and make it easy for them.

Many customers need a gentle nudge to leave a review, as not everyone is inclined to share their feedback immediately after receiving a service.

Here are some key tips to ensure you’re asking for reviews in the best way possible:

  • Timing is key: Request reviews when customers are most satisfied with your service, such as immediately after a purchase or a positive interaction.
  • Be direct but polite: Clearly ask for a review, explaining how valuable their feedback is to your business. Avoid being pushy or demanding!

Make It Easy to Leave Reviews

Let’s face it—if you want to get more reviews, you need to make it super easy for your customers! In today’s world, we love convenience, and even the smallest inconvenience can halt us in our tracks, diverting our attention to something else!

Keep your customers’ attention by making things as simple as possible.

By simplifying the process and giving them clear instructions, you’ll encourage those happy customers to share their experiences without any hassle, and they may feel more inclined to leave another one.

Explore these helpful tactics to make the review process effortless for your customers:

  • Use multiple channels: Ask for reviews via email, social media, your website, and in-person interactions.
  • Provide clear instructions: Offer step-by-step guidance on how to leave a review on different platforms.
  • Use review Links: Include direct links to your review pages in your emails, website, and social media posts.

Utilize Email Campaigns

Email campaigns are a powerful tool for encouraging customer reviews. By reaching out to customers after their interactions with your business, you can create a personal connection and gently prompt them to share their feedback.

Have you ever made a purchase and received a friendly email shortly afterward asking about your experience? If so, you’ve witnessed a valuable practice in action—one that every business owner should adopt to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.

The impact of follow-up emails is immense, so don’t miss the opportunity to leverage this innovative strategy for your business.

Here are things to consider while setting up your email campaign:

  • Send timely follow-up emails: After a purchase or service completion, send follow-up emails that politely request a review. Timing is crucial, so ensure that the email is sent soon enough for the customer to recall their experience while allowing them sufficient time to use the product or service.
  • Personalize your requests: Tailor your review requests to individual customers by mentioning specific details about their purchase or experience. This personal touch not only makes the customer feel valued but also increases the likelihood of receiving a thoughtful review.

Showcase Positive Reviews

Highlighting positive reviews is a fantastic way to build credibility and trust with potential customers. When you showcase the experiences of happy clients, you not only demonstrate the quality of your business but also encourage others to share their thoughts.

Here are some simple yet effective ways to put these valuable endorsements in the spotlight:

  • Highlight reviews: This is the opportunity for you to shine a spotlight on those glowing reviews! Feature them as part of your social proof strategy on your website, social media, and marketing materials to show potential customers just how much others love your business. It’s like having your biggest fans do the talking for you!
  • Share testimonials: Let the voices of your satisfied customers take center stage! Incorporate their testimonials into your blog posts, email newsletters, and promotional content. This not only builds trust but also adds a personal touch that resonates with new customers, making them feel more connected to your brand.

Respond to Reviews

Engaging with your customers’ reviews is a golden opportunity to connect and show you care! Whether it’s a glowing compliment or some constructive criticism, how you respond can make all the difference.

Moreover, how you respond to and handle negative reviews will show your professionalism to the world. The more professional you are, the more likely you are to impress customers and lead them to leave glowing reviews!

Here are a couple of fun and effective ways to handle reviews like a pro:

  • Thank positive reviewers: This might seem like a no-brainer, yet you’d be amazed at how many business owners overlook this crucial step! Show appreciation for positive feedback by thanking reviewers and addressing specific points they mentioned. A little gratitude goes a long way!
  • Address negative reviews professionally: When it comes to negative reviews, keep your cool and respond calmly and professionally. Offer solutions to resolve the issues raised and put genuine effort into their concern.

When it comes to negative reviews, remember the old saying: “Give ’em the pickle!” This quirky mantra can turn even the sourest feedback into a sweet opportunity for improvement!

Utilize Online Review Generation Tools

Now that you understand how to organically generate a steady stream of online reviews, the next step is to streamline the process and assess the feedback effectively. Doing so will help you measure reviews against your growth goals and make data-driven improvements.

A key strategy for this is using software tools like LinkNow’s Review Generation Tool. In short, it automates review requests via email or SMS, making the process simple. Customers are directed to over 150 business review platforms, including Google and Facebook, offering flexibility in where they leave feedback.

The setup is simple—upload customer contacts in bulk or individually, and the tool does the rest.

A standout time-saving feature that users love is the ability to customize requests using default or editable templates. This eliminates the guesswork from crafting review requests and helps you refine your brand voice.

By using the software, you’ll generate more reviews, which will in turn boost visibility, attract more customers, and ultimately help you book more jobs—every business owner’s goal.

It’s a true game-changer for saving time on customer outreach and boosting your bottom line.

Learn more about the tool here.

Overcoming Challenges in Generating Reviews

Generating reviews can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, but it’s a challenge that can be easily conquered with the right approach. By implementing effective strategies, you can transform this hurdle into a valuable opportunity to connect with your customers and highlight the strengths of your business.

Here’s how to tackle some common hurdles:

  • Dealing with fake reviews: In an era where the internet is widely accessible, it’s unfortunately common for some to misuse it by tarnishing business reputations with fake reviews. If this happens to you, report any suspicious or fake reviews to the review platform for removal. Also, encourage genuine positive reviews to outweigh any fake or genuine unfavorable ones.
  • Maintaining consistency: Make review requests a consistent part of your customer interaction process. You’ll also need to continuously engage with customers and respond to their feedback to maintain a positive online presence.

Let’s Start Building Your Reputation Now!

Generating online reviews is not just about asking for feedback; it’s about creating an exceptional customer experience that naturally encourages positive reviews.

If you’re looking to enhance your marketing strategy with a steady stream of reviews, LinkNow is your go-to partner! We can help you develop a plan that encourages valuable feedback, boosting your online reputation and engaging your customers effectively.

Give us a call to speak with one of our marketing specialists.

Maria Kalomiris

Author: Maria Kalomiris

About Maria Kalomiris

Maria is a professional copywriter specializing in SEO, with a diverse portfolio spanning multiple industries. Holding a diploma in Public Relations with a specialized focus on Crisis Management Writing, she brings a unique and valuable skillset to her craft. Particularly passionate about writing updated and informative content in the health and fitness niche, Maria is also a dedicated freelancer who continuously invests in her professional development through ongoing education. When she's not crafting compelling content, you'll find her working out in her home gym, exploring horse-themed social media pages, or exploring the backroads looking for hidden gems.