The Definitive Guide to Repurposing Blog Content

The Definitive Guide to Repurposing Blog Content

How repurposing blog content can move you forward Content is one of the most important aspects of any online marketing campaign. If you’ve been faithfully blogging and doing your best to create great content, you’ll know that some posts don’t seem to get any traction while others can take off and keep driving traffic to your site months or years after they’ve been published. It can be very difficult to guess how a particular blog post is going to perform ahead of time. But once you know that a piece is a hit, it’s a shame to just let it sit in your archives. Time is a precious resource for anyone who is trying to market a small business, so why waste time developing brand new content when you can get more use out of content that you already know your audience loves? When you repurpose successful blog content you […]

Lauchlin MacDonald

Author: Lauchlin MacDonald

About Lauchlin MacDonald

Lauchlin is part of the content and marketing team at LinkNow Media. He has nearly a decade of experience in copywriting and editing, and spends way too much time on the Internet. He can be reached at and @Lauchlin on Twitter.